Blessed being a Society Steward

Nov 25, 2018

As I come to the end of my 3 year term as a Society Steward, and look back on my initial reaction, like Moses – “Oh No, Not Me Lord, I’m not worthy, I can’t do that!” I admit, I have certainly been stretched completely out of my comfort zone, but - what a privilege and a blessing it’s been to serve Our Lord in this way.

I have been amazed at how much more there is to running a Church, and preparing the Sunday Service. Also, how crucial it is and how grateful we are to have reliable and dedicated people serving in the various areas, not only on Sundays, but during the week as well. It’s been fantastic for me to connect with, and get to know so many wonderful people in our Church family.

But I think what has brought me the most Joy and has been life giving, energising, and given me purpose, is all the opportunities I have had to just connect, or get more involved in many of our Courses, Groups and Outreach Programmes. I’ve been made more aware of God guiding me into areas he wants me to be his hands and feet, and reach out to others with the Gifts he has blessed me with.

And so, in closing, I’d like to briefly mention John Bredenkamp’s story a while ago, of a man who visited many churches, but got nothing out of any of them, until someone said to him “and you won’t get anything out of this church either, unless you get involved in some way.”

So I would encourage you today, to reach out, connect and feel God filling you with new life and Joy as you become a Blessing to others! 

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